About & Contact
The Manufacturers Association of Maine (MAME) is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization comprised of over 200 members in Maine and beyond.
We serve our membership by providing Business Development, Member Services, Manufacturing Career Connections (MCC) and Networking and Events. Our focus is offering members value-added services such as legislative advocacy, scholarship programs, career connections for students and job seekers and networking opportunities and events.
Approximately 1,850 Maine manufacturing businesses employ more than 56,700 Maine workers. The payroll tops $3.6 billion and accounts for 12% of wages paid statewide.
The manufacturing industry in Maine realizes over $6.2 billion dollars in GDP. Manufacturing in Maine plays a vital role in the US and Globally in military and defense, aerospace, metal, paper, marine/boat building, semi-conductor, wood, textile, aquaculture, biotech, medical device, electronics, wireless communications, plastics, composites and bio-plastics, studio and food and beverage manufacturing.